
Registration for the 2024 NICE Conference and Expo has concluded. Both the workshops and conference are fully booked, and there will be no on-site registration available.

Building a Sustainable Cybersecurity Clinic in Higher Education

For decades, schools of law and medicine have operated “clinics,” where students work with real-world clients with limited resources and gain valuable hands-on experience.

The concept of clinics is now rapidly expanding within the cybersecurity domain. Cybersecurity clinics in higher education equip students from diverse backgrounds and academic expertise to strengthen the digital security of non-profits, hospitals, municipalities, small businesses, and other under-resourced organizations in our communities, while also developing a talent pipeline for cyber civil defense.

This session is a hands-on workshop designed to help participants get a university, college, or community-college based cybersecurity clinic off the ground. Experienced practitioners will lead discussions on key topics such as curriculum development for students new to cybersecurity, building trust with client organizations, and collaborating with local government authorities to support the clinic. By the end of the workshop, participants will grasp the process of transitioning a clinic from concept to reality and sustaining its growth in the long run.


Adopting a Skills-First Strategy for Cyber Workforce Development

Employers are increasingly shifting towards a skills-first approach in cybersecurity workforce development. This approach values a diverse range of experiences and abilities, not just degrees and certifications. In this session, explore how employers can establish accessible entry points into cybersecurity for various individuals, such as high school students, community college attendees, university students, military veterans, and mid-career professionals in search of new opportunities. Employers will discuss forming partnerships with educational institutions and community organizations to recruit talent and reveal their internal strategies for identifying, training, and advancing cybersecurity experts. Furthermore, they will delve into utilizing the Workforce Framework for Cybersecurity (NICE Framework) to bolster a skills-oriented talent strategy, including using it for skills classification and connecting it to well-defined learning paths.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Discover effective methods for introducing newcomers to cybersecurity roles and overcoming entry barriers.
  • Explore how partnerships between schools, non-profits, and companies can enhance advancements in cybersecurity skill development.
  • Identify the mindset shifts necessary to transition to a skills-based cybersecurity talent strategy.


Using Games to Motivate, Train, and Retain a Cybersecurity Workforce

This interactive workshop will introduce attendees to open-source software that facilitates gamified cybersecurity competitions and training. After the introduction, attendees will have the chance to engage in Capture the Flag (CTF) challenges aligned with the NICE Framework Work Roles. Utilizing gamified scenarios and immersive video games, CISA aims to enhance interest and engagement with these advancements now accessible to the wider cybersecurity community. This workshop also aligns with Goal #2 of the NICE strategy: Transform Learning to Cultivate and Support a Diverse and Skilled Workforce.